interface Options {
    complete?: boolean;
    concatenator?: ((inputs: Buffer[]) => Buffer | Buffer[] | BigInt[]);
    duplicateOdd?: boolean;
    fillDefaultHash?: string | Buffer | TFillDefaultHash;
    hashLeaves?: boolean;
    isBitcoinTree?: boolean;
    sort?: boolean;
    sortLeaves?: boolean;
    sortPairs?: boolean;


complete?: boolean

If set to true, the resulting tree will be a complete tree. Recommended for use of multiProofs.

concatenator?: ((inputs: Buffer[]) => Buffer | Buffer[] | BigInt[])
duplicateOdd?: boolean

If set to true, an odd node will be duplicated and combined to make a pair to generate the layer hash.

fillDefaultHash?: string | Buffer | TFillDefaultHash

If defined, the resulting hash of this function will be used to fill in odd numbered layers.

hashLeaves?: boolean

If set to true, the leaves will hashed using the set hashing algorithms.

isBitcoinTree?: boolean

If set to true, constructs the Merkle Tree using the Bitcoin Merkle Tree implementation. Enable it when you need to replicate Bitcoin constructed Merkle Trees. In Bitcoin Merkle Trees, single nodes are combined with themselves, and each output hash is hashed again.

sort?: boolean

If set to true, the leaves and hashing pairs will be sorted.

sortLeaves?: boolean

If set to true, the leaves will be sorted. Recommended for use of multiProofs.

sortPairs?: boolean

If set to true, the hashing pairs will be sorted.