Type Alias Log<TQuantity, TIndex, TPending, TAbiEvent, TStrict, TAbi, TEventName>

Log<TQuantity, TIndex, TPending, TAbiEvent, TStrict, TAbi, TEventName>: {
    address: Address;
    blockHash: TPending extends true
        ? null
        : Hash;
    blockNumber: TPending extends true
        ? null
        : TQuantity;
    data: Hex;
    logIndex: TPending extends true
        ? null
        : TIndex;
    removed: boolean;
    transactionHash: TPending extends true
        ? null
        : Hash;
    transactionIndex: TPending extends true
        ? null
        : TIndex;
} & GetInferredLogValues<TAbiEvent, TAbi, TEventName, TStrict>

Type Parameters

  • TQuantity = bigint
  • TIndex = number
  • TPending extends boolean = boolean
  • TAbiEvent extends AbiEvent | undefined = undefined
  • TStrict extends boolean | undefined = undefined
  • TAbi extends Abi | readonly unknown[] | undefined = TAbiEvent extends AbiEvent
        ? [TAbiEvent]
        : undefined
  • TEventName extends string | undefined = TAbiEvent extends AbiEvent
        ? TAbiEvent["name"]
        : undefined

Type declaration

  • address: Address

    The address from which this log originated

  • blockHash: TPending extends true
        ? null
        : Hash

    Hash of block containing this log or null if pending

  • blockNumber: TPending extends true
        ? null
        : TQuantity

    Number of block containing this log or null if pending

  • data: Hex

    Contains the non-indexed arguments of the log

  • logIndex: TPending extends true
        ? null
        : TIndex

    Index of this log within its block or null if pending

  • removed: boolean

    true if this filter has been destroyed and is invalid

  • transactionHash: TPending extends true
        ? null
        : Hash

    Hash of the transaction that created this log or null if pending

  • transactionIndex: TPending extends true
        ? null
        : TIndex

    Index of the transaction that created this log or null if pending