BiconomySmartAccountV2ConfigBaseProps: {
    activeValidationModule?: BaseValidationModule;
    biconomyPaymasterApiKey?: string;
    customChain?: Chain;
    defaultFallbackHandler?: Hex;
    factoryAddress?: Hex;
    implementationAddress?: Hex;
    initCode?: Hex;
    maxIndexForScan?: number;
    paymasterUrl?: string;
    rpcUrl?: string;
    scanForUpgradedAccountsFromV1?: boolean;
    senderAddress?: Hex;
    sessionData?: ModuleInfo;
    skipChainCheck?: boolean;
    viemChain?: Chain;

Type declaration

  • OptionalactiveValidationModule?: BaseValidationModule

    activeValidationModule: The active validation module. Will default to the defaultValidationModule

  • OptionalbiconomyPaymasterApiKey?: string

    biconomyPaymasterApiKey: The API key retrieved from the Biconomy dashboard

  • OptionalcustomChain?: Chain

    Can be used to optionally override the chain with a custom chain if it doesn't already exist in viems list of supported chain. Alias of viemChain

  • OptionaldefaultFallbackHandler?: Hex

    defaultFallbackHandler: override the default fallback contract address

  • OptionalfactoryAddress?: Hex

    Factory address of biconomy factory contract or some other contract you have deployed on chain

  • OptionalimplementationAddress?: Hex

    implementation of smart contract address or some other contract you have deployed and want to override

  • OptionalinitCode?: Hex

    The initial code to be used for the smart account

  • OptionalmaxIndexForScan?: number

    the index of SA the EOA have generated and till which indexes the upgraded SA should scan

  • OptionalpaymasterUrl?: string

    paymasterUrl: The Paymaster URL retrieved from the Biconomy dashboard

  • OptionalrpcUrl?: string

    rpcUrl: Rpc url, optional, we set default rpc url if not passed.

  • OptionalscanForUpgradedAccountsFromV1?: boolean

    scanForUpgradedAccountsFromV1: set to true if you you want the userwho was using biconomy SA v1 to upgrade to biconomy SA v2

  • OptionalsenderAddress?: Hex

    Sender address: If you want to override the Signer address with some other address and get counterfactual address can use this to pass the EOA and get SA address

  • OptionalsessionData?: ModuleInfo

    Used for session key manager module

  • OptionalskipChainCheck?: boolean

    Used to skip the chain checks between singer, bundler and paymaster

  • OptionalviemChain?: Chain

    Can be used to optionally override the chain with a custom chain if it doesn't already exist in viems list of supported chains. Alias of customChain