SponsorUserOperationDto: {
    calculateGasLimits?: boolean;
    expiryDuration?: number;
    feeTokenAddress?: string;
    mode: PaymasterMode;
    smartAccountInfo?: SmartAccountData;
    webhookData?: Record<string, any>;

Type declaration

  • OptionalcalculateGasLimits?: boolean

    Always recommended, especially when using token paymaster

  • OptionalexpiryDuration?: number

    Expiry duration in seconds

  • OptionalfeeTokenAddress?: string

    the fee-paying token address

  • mode: PaymasterMode

    mode: sponsored or erc20

  • OptionalsmartAccountInfo?: SmartAccountData

    Smart account meta data

  • OptionalwebhookData?: Record<string, any>

    Webhooks to be fired after user op is sent