Type Alias Block<TQuantity, TIncludeTransactions, TBlockTag, TTransaction>

Block<TQuantity, TIncludeTransactions, TBlockTag, TTransaction>: {
    baseFeePerGas: TQuantity | null;
    blobGasUsed: TQuantity;
    difficulty: TQuantity;
    excessBlobGas: TQuantity;
    extraData: Hex;
    gasLimit: TQuantity;
    gasUsed: TQuantity;
    hash: TBlockTag extends "pending"
        ? null
        : Hash;
    logsBloom: TBlockTag extends "pending"
        ? null
        : Hex;
    miner: Address;
    mixHash: Hash;
    nonce: TBlockTag extends "pending"
        ? null
        : Hex;
    number: TBlockTag extends "pending"
        ? null
        : TQuantity;
    parentHash: Hash;
    receiptsRoot: Hex;
    sealFields: Hex[];
    sha3Uncles: Hash;
    size: TQuantity;
    stateRoot: Hash;
    timestamp: TQuantity;
    totalDifficulty: TQuantity | null;
    transactions: TIncludeTransactions extends true
        ? TTransaction[]
        : Hash[];
    transactionsRoot: Hash;
    uncles: Hash[];
    withdrawals?: Withdrawal[];
    withdrawalsRoot?: Hex;

Type Parameters

  • TQuantity = bigint
  • TIncludeTransactions extends boolean = boolean
  • TBlockTag extends BlockTag = BlockTag
  • TTransaction = Transaction<bigint, number, TBlockTag extends "pending"
        ? true
        : false>

Type declaration

  • baseFeePerGas: TQuantity | null

    Base fee per gas

  • blobGasUsed: TQuantity

    Total used blob gas by all transactions in this block

  • difficulty: TQuantity

    Difficulty for this block

  • excessBlobGas: TQuantity

    Excess blob gas

  • extraData: Hex

    "Extra data" field of this block

  • gasLimit: TQuantity

    Maximum gas allowed in this block

  • gasUsed: TQuantity

    Total used gas by all transactions in this block

  • hash: TBlockTag extends "pending"
        ? null
        : Hash

    Block hash or null if pending

  • logsBloom: TBlockTag extends "pending"
        ? null
        : Hex

    Logs bloom filter or null if pending

  • miner: Address

    Address that received this block’s mining rewards

  • mixHash: Hash

    Unique identifier for the block.

  • nonce: TBlockTag extends "pending"
        ? null
        : Hex

    Proof-of-work hash or null if pending

  • number: TBlockTag extends "pending"
        ? null
        : TQuantity

    Block number or null if pending

  • parentHash: Hash

    Parent block hash

  • receiptsRoot: Hex

    Root of the this block’s receipts trie

  • sealFields: Hex[]
  • sha3Uncles: Hash

    SHA3 of the uncles data in this block

  • size: TQuantity

    Size of this block in bytes

  • stateRoot: Hash

    Root of this block’s final state trie

  • timestamp: TQuantity

    Unix timestamp of when this block was collated

  • totalDifficulty: TQuantity | null

    Total difficulty of the chain until this block

  • transactions: TIncludeTransactions extends true
        ? TTransaction[]
        : Hash[]

    List of transaction objects or hashes

  • transactionsRoot: Hash

    Root of this block’s transaction trie

  • uncles: Hash[]

    List of uncle hashes

  • Optionalwithdrawals?: Withdrawal[]

    List of withdrawal objects

  • OptionalwithdrawalsRoot?: Hex

    Root of the this block’s withdrawals trie